Reports and Presentations
If you are planning to make a report/presentation on the conference, please don’t forget to mention it when filling a registration form; also please read the abstract submission guidelines and upload your abstracts (pressing the corresponded button in your personal profile) before August 1. Potential speakers of the conference are also encouraged to get acquaintance with abstracts and presentations of the previous conferences.
While choosing the topic of your presentation, please take into account the fact that despite a historically formed name of the Conference, its thematics is not limited to GNU/Linux, but comprises a larger set of subjects:
- development and testing of free software,
- administrating systems based on it,
- training specialists in free software technologies,
- adaption experience of the open source solutions,
- legal and organizational peculiarities of the free software usage.
All other directions related to free / open source software are welcome to extend listed subjects.
Conference also covers a wide range of platforms – from workstations and servers, including virtualization-based ones, to embedded systems and mobile devices.
Recommended Conference languages are Russian, Belarusian and English.
Conference speakers are free from paying the participation fee, including expenses for accommodation and meals, transportation between Minsk and the Conference place, the additional LVEE attribution.
There is also a traditional prize for the best report, which is chosen after discussing in a maillist and is handed to one of the conference speakers based on the audience voting.