Международная конференция разработчиков
и пользователей свободного программного обеспечения

Materials of LVEE 2017

Book of abstracts

13th International conference of developers and users of free / open source software “Linux Vacation / Eastern Europe” (Grodno, June 22-25, 2017):

abstracts author video download
In multilayers data storages the storage drivers are grouped into separate layers according to their technical characteristics. The first layer contains high-speed solid-state drivers (SSDs), whereas the other layers can have HDDs or others storage devices (tape, optical devices). The multilayer data storage provides high speed data access and can be formed by using hardware or software solutions. In multilevel software-define storages (SDS), the separate data storage are grouped with respect to levels of their technical characteristics, the type of stored data, and availability requirements for the end user. Multilevels SDS allows for optimization of the data placement in the storage. The main node of SDS is represented by a controller. The SDS controller is a software platform (open source and other) which includes solution tools for management, monitoring and migration of data between layers. Многослойные и многоуровневые системы хранения данных Александр Клыга
Minsk, Belarus
Code review is a crucial part of developing a stable and robust open source project, such as Linux kernel. New comers and surprisingly many active and known contributors have been doing same mistakes, like using non-scalable APIs, over and over. How can we eliminate or avoid them? Looking at the patterns the best practices would be suggested. In addition, relatively new Linux kernel APIs, such as Unified Device Properties, will be discussed. Typical mistakes when submitting a new code to Linux kernel Andy Shevchenko
Espoo, Finland
A widely accepted standard for adding functionality to computer systems is the USB bus. GNU/Linux systems have long been supporting USB hosts, but a less known fact is that they also support USB devices. The traditional way of preparing support for devices includes creating a kernel module, which makes the process significantly more difficult. A new approach is presented, which requires only shell scripting. Make your own USB gadget Andrzej Pietrasiewicz
Warsaw, Poland
In the presentation different business models based on the digital commons were summarized. The first point is a consideration who controls a modern pool of resources and which characteristics are critical for the resource management. In the second point we discuss how the digital revolution change price-creation of a digital content. Further we elaborate how to make money and foster development based on Creative Commons principles. The last section describes how businesses can operate based on non-market premises and develop the third way in the content creation, distribution and consumption. Абмеркаванне адкрытых бізнэс-мадэляў на аснове лічбавага агульнага (the commons) – a round table Mikhail Volchak
Minsk, Belarus
In the modern world, geoinformation technologies are routinely present in the life of both individuals and companies as a whole. These are navigation systems, transport monitoring systems and many-sided programs and applications that use spatial information mapping on a cartographic basis. Modernity as a period is an era of commercial development of GIS (geoinformation systems), expansion of the field of their application through integration with DBMS, the emergence of network applications - all this has opened the way for systems that support corporate and distributed geodatabases. This was the impetus for the development of not only commercial geoinformation systems, but also freely distributed products - QGIS, NextGISWEB, MapServer and others Картографический сервис на OpenSource – доступная картография каждому Дмитрий Степанов
Minsk, Belarus
Ansible, Molecule and Everything. How to stop building a special snowflakes in your infrastructure Aliaksandr Kharkevich
Gomel, Belarus
«Hubzilla – introduction, possibilities, Hubzilla community» Hubzilla is a free and open source platform running on a special kind of web server, called a "hub", that can connect to other hubs in a decentralised network called "the grid", providing sophisticated communications, identity, and access control services which work together seamlessly across domains and independent websites. It allows anybody to publicly or privately publish content via "channels". Hubzilla – введение, возможности, Hubzilla-сообщество Gustav Wall
Germany, Oldenburg(Oldb)
Browser makers spend a lot of effort for making SSL right and make PKI harder then ever, but pay too little attention to alternative methods of estimating the web site security. In this talk I will tell about such alternative methods and a little bit about using risk management for security level estimation. Безопасность в браузерах: альтернативы SSL Алексей Хлебников
Norway, Oslo
This talk discusses why I2P network is needed, provides an insight on how the I2P network works, how it is different from Tor. Some use cases and safety tips will be discussed. The Invisible Internet Project Andrew Savchenko
Russian Federation, Moscow
The report covers state of progress of porting ALT Linux to Elbrus machines, which is currently self-hosted and targeted at rebuilding the Sisiphus package base. Эльбрус на альте Михаил Шигорин
Russian Federation, Москва
USB is the most common external interface in the world. Even machines which, for security reasons, are disconnected from the Internet often offer USB connectivity. This creates a new attacks surface for skilled hackers. USB implementation may be exploited on various levels. To effectively protect against such attack, knowledge about already exploited vulnerabilities is required. This paper is a survey of state-of-the-art USB-related attacks. USB attacks explained Krzysztof Opasiak
Poland, Warsaw
An open hardware project for the electromyography measurements is presented. Arduino platform is engaged in getting data from the epidermic sensors and passing them to the receiving software to detect and classify muscle activity. Results of fingers movements recognition are presented for two sensors placement approaches. Электромиографическое распознавание движений пальцев руки человека на базе Arduino Вадим Шамонин
Brest, Belarus
Amazon cloud service (AWS) provides several container-based services (EC2 CS, Lambda, CodeBuild). These services are quite special to Amazon and differ a lot from Open Source analogs however based on it. The goal of this report is to review common problems based on real experience and to show solutions author had find out. Практическое использование сервисов контейнеризации в облаке Амазон Andrew Rewoonenco
Minsk, Belarus
The report analyzes 20 years of experience in the implementation of free software at Lviv Ivan I. Frakno University and Lviv D. Galitsky University Выкарыстанне вольнага праграмнага забеспячэння ў ЛНУ імя Івана Франка і ЛНМУ імя Данііла Галіцкага Григорій Злобін
Ukraine, Ľviv
It makes sense to automate anything you repeat 10+ times. Taurus improves experience of JMeter, Selenium and others. Taurus: тесты на любителя Taras Svirinovski
Minsk, Belarus
2016 is a year when exponential growth of world IPv6 adoption was confirmed. Fifth part of Global IP traffic going over IPv6 now. Per country adoption level of IPv6 is very different (from 0% to almost 50% in Europe region). Belarus is only 0,03%. There are many reasons for that and poor technical knowledge of IPv6 is one of them. In my presentation I will talk about IPv6 protocol basics. I'll have a brief look on IPv6 history and compare it with IPv4. Основы IPv6 Иван Семерник
Minsk, Belarus
Comparison of the basic functions and particular tasks is done for free/libre (Gimp, InkScape) and non-free (Photoshop, CorelDraw) graphic editors from the amateur designer point of view. Things which were successfully performed with use of FLOSS are listed as far as those which weren't. Also disadvantages are classified along their severity. Адкрытыя графічныя прылады Gimp і InkScape. Плюсы і мінусы Святлана Ермаковіч
Minsk, Belarus
LibreOffice is a well known open-source productivity suite with long and complex history. Thus nowadays we have rather huge (millions lines of code) and difficult in development and support project. How do we continue moving forward? Which tools and techniques do help us? LibreOffice: как разрабатываются большие проекты? Василий Меленчук
Minsk, Belarus
Modern mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets now have powerful processors and sometime large amount of memory inside. So these devices can be suitable for standard server tasks, for example data warehousing and HTTP request handling. However, since the architecture of mobiles is different from standard PCs and servers, it is necessary to recompile open source server software for further usage. This is not very simple process and here is the description of key points and main ways of that. Превращение Android-устройств в мобильные серверы при помощи FOSS Виталий Сороко
Minsk, Belarus
Nowadays 3D scanning is widely used in different areas of activity. We developed 3D scanner and software using opensource code and open technologies. Using this scanner you can reconstruct models, which size is until 3 meters, with accuracy about 1 mm Использование открытых исходных кодов для разработки 3D сканера и соответствующего программного обеспечения для 3D реконструкции моделей Лина Ширяева
Minsk, Belarus
Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is a free and open-source solution for managing and monitoring MySQL and MongoDB performance. It provides accurate per-second analysis for MySQL and MongoDB servers which allows you to tune database as efficiently as possible. Review of internal PMM architecture, an overview of all components and communications between them. Percona Monitoring and Management Architecture Mykola Marzhan
Ukraine, Kyiv