Міжнародная канферэнцыя распрацоўнікаў і карыстальнікаў свабодных праграм

6th "FOSS in Higher School" conference

12 снежня 2010, 23:56

The Conference will be held on January, 29-30, 2011 in Pereslavl-Zaleski.

Everybody are invited to take part in 6-th conference “Free / open source software in higher school” on January, 29–30, 2011 in Pereslavl-Zaleski, Yarosavl Area. The aim of the conference is to create united information space for users and developers of FOSS to share their experiences, make plans for future projects, i.e. to collectively solve problems of the development, applying and usage of FOSS related to higher school.


The book of abstracts is to be published before the conference.

Proposed topics for the presentations are:

  • Free software usage in learning process: development, adoption, teaching techniques;
  • Scientific projects, related to the free software development and usage;
  • Interaction of the higher and the middle schools while adopting the free software package at general education institution;
  • Adopting FOSS to the education institution infrastructure: problems & solutions;
  • Social, economic and law specialties of FOSS usage in higher school.

Conference speakers are free from the organization fee.

Detailed information about the conference, including abstracts guidelines, important dates, contact addresses, information on delivery and much more – at the conference web page.

Аўтар: Dmitriy Kostiuk

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