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LVEE 2018 materials (with Winter)

Materials of the LVEE 2018

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LibOSTree (aka "OSTree") project is aimed to create git-like bootable filesystem trees. This is shared library and set of utilities to manage content-addressed-object store and local "checkouts" of filesystem trees allowing transactional upgrades and rollbacks of the system. OSTree – атомарные обновления ОС в стиле git Denis Pynkin
Minsk, Belarus
The concept to create hybrid data storadge is covered. Main approaches to implement hybrid data storage systems are reviewed as well as modern development tendencies in FOSS. Гибридные системы хранения данных Александр Клыга
Minsk, Belarus
In case of using different SCM the most important aspects are: correct work of target configuration, simplicity lifecycle support of DSL code written for target SCM and having different tests for things which is under control of SCM. This article shows more efficient way for development, testing and support for Ansible-roles; including continuous integration, code-review, guideline compliance. Эффективная разработка и сопровождение Ansible-ролей Aliaksandr Kharkevich
Gomel, Belarus
A data storage clasterization specifics based on Parallel NFS (pNFS) is reviewed. The pNFS protocol details and architecture-related specifics are covered as well as its current state. Кластеризация систем хранения данных с помощью NFS Vlad Sharpio
Minsk, Belarus
Darktable is an open source application devoted to processing of RAW files. The program can manage collections of RAWs with rating, color labels and custom tags. A rich set of built-in filters, used at processing, store their settings in a form of a history stack, which is saved alongside original RAW, providing original RAW untouched. Постобработка фотографий в darktable Aleksey Cheusov
Minsk, Belarus
Since the past 25 years relationship between open source and enterprise changed dramatically. While in the middle of 1990s open source was considered as a hobby for enthusiasts these days most enterprises build their success using open source products. There are three major trends that changed the shape of open source and enterprise relationship over the time 1. enterprise compatibility - we can see a lot of successful open source products used to leverage the business of enterprise products. Among them we can see NGINX, RedHat, etc... 2. product innovation cycle for enterprise software is still stuck on 3 years while open source products have much more agile approach delivering innovative releases much more frequently 3. platform compatibility is the major differentiator between open source and closed source platforms. Open source software helps users to use their products across multiple platforms while closed source application try to stick user on a single platform. The level of integration and trust between enterprise solutions and open source products grows every year. Future innovations and successful businesses start today with help of open source. How open source is changing and reshaping enterprises Андрей Романюк
Minsk, Belarus
Nowadays programs are too complex for verification and any developer can't guarantee that program is valid in every situation. In this talk I'll try to introduce modern ways for automatic testing C/C++ programs. I will talk about proper compiler settings, static and dynamic analyzers, sanitizers and fuzzing tecniques. Автоматизированный поиск багов в C/C++ Александр Зайцев
Minsk, Belarus
This Engineering Report carries the essence of the problem, the integration between the two worlds and the camps of unqualified skeptics, who are often similar to the racetrack. The transition from a proprietary infrastructure to a free one at this given time will always be complicated by two factors - maintenance and integration. Взгляд на перевод инфраструктуры на базе WIndows на Unix/Linux Дмитрий Степанов
Minsk, Belarus
Static and dynamic libraries, compilation and linkage, ELF sections, dynamic libraries injection, symbol relocations, GOT(global offset table), PLT(procedure linkage table). Низкоуровневый взгляд на динамические ELF-библиотеки Uladzislau Zhauniarovich
Minsk, Belarus
LAVA is a continuous integration system for deploying operating systems onto physical and virtual hardware for running tests. With LAVA, it is possible to run automated tests across multiple hardware platforms in the real operating system environment. LAVA powers the infrastructure behind Kernel CI project, ensuring the Linux kernel is tested on as much hardware as possible without human intervention. This talk will cover LAVA in general and its benefits in the CI process and how it can fit with on your CI infrastructure, and how we at Collabora use it to test Linux distribution images. Testing your distribution automatically in LAVA Andrej Shadura
Slovakia, Bratislava
Android is very popular mobile platform and amount of apps, that work with sensitive information, for example banking apps, grows every day. Thus anti-reverse-engineering technologies are now increasingy more important. In this presentation I will tell how to obfuscate sensitive data in the Android byte code by moving it to encrypted files that will be decrypted by native code, and how to automate this process. I will use strings as examples of data, but the described technique can be applied to other types of data as well. Продвинутая обфускация констант в Android-приложениях Алексей Хлебников
Norway, Oslo
Console orineted services: wttr.in, cheat.sh, rate.sx: idea, usage, and creation The presentation is devoted to console oriented services, such as: wttr.in, cheat.sh, rate.sx. Which popular console oriented services exist currently and how can they be used in everyday life; what advantages and disadvantages do they have; how services like that could be created. Консольно-ориентированные сервисы: wttr.in, cheat.sh, rate.sx — Идея, использвание, создание Igor Chubin
Germany, Nuremberg
Elbrus 801-PC workstation supports three displays out-of-box but is further extendable to dual-seat configuration (with each seat still supporting up to three displays); that's what we've done in ALT installer. Альт на Эльбрусе: обе вершины Михаил Шигорин
Russian Federation, Москва
A game stream service development and architecture specifics are covered with focus on the open source components. Personal experience of building such service is covered, including components choice and resulting performance. Разработка архитектуры Game-stream платформы на основе OpenSource компонентов Антон Новиков
Minsk, Belarus
The questions of the use of free software are considered both in the process of preparing the student and in the form of a means of supporting the educational process (educational environment) in the Sergiev Posad branch of the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography. S.A. Gerasimov (VGIK). An overview is given of the free software used to organize a single information and educational environment for the institution to implement the requirements of the current legislation in the Russian Federation in the implementation of training programs for specialists in secondary vocational education and higher education. СПО в филиале ВГИК Александр Гришкин, Анастасия Маркина
Russian Federation, Москва
A case of Jenkins CI/CD system in AWS cloud is reviewed, featuring use of spot instances, which are extremely cheap but are affected with arbitrary shutdowns in any time by the cloud provider. An approach to run Jenkins master on spot instances in AWS with fault tolerance and automatic fault recovery is proposed. Comparison of plugins which allow to run worker nodes on spot instances on-demand is presented. Запуск Jenkins на спот-инстансах AWS Mykola Marzhan
Ukraine, Kyiv
An overview of applicability of C language in modern world, demonstrating its weak and strong sides. Между «до» и «ля»: какие прелести сохранил Си в современном мире? Vadim Zhukov
Russian Federation, Москва
This is the story about latest Intel tries to discriminate OpenBSD on getting pre-public disclosure information about vulnerabilities in its products Как поссорились Иван Интелович с Иваном Опёнковичем Vadim Zhukov
Russian Federation, Москва
In this report, I would like to share the experience of using the DevOps philosophy in our company for one of the projects in the financial sphere. Emphasis will be placed on the work of the quality assurance department, because exactly because of the large number of questions there and the increased quality requirements, the philosophy of DevOps was applied there in the first place. DevOps для QA на примере Java Enterprise проекта Роман Гаранин
Belarus, Brest
This material is intended to describe the legal side of developing software and releasing its source code in public access. Such aspects as third party components licensing compliance, copyright and trademark rights infringements, contribution license agreements, authorship notices are covered by this text. Keywords: open source, licensing compliance, CLA, copyright, Yandex. Author: Denis Dorotenko, Legal Counsel at Yandex LLC (http://yandex.ru). Among other work duties, he is responsible for legal support of Yandex own open source projects (https://github.com/yandex/). Юридические вопросы по раскрытию
программного кода в общий доступ
Денис Доротенко
Russian Federation, Москва
Everyone wants to build their next application “in the cloud”, but it is easier said than done. Eclipse Che is a scalable, web-based IDE which provides on-demand workspaces that include both runtimes and tools for development in the cloud. It is powered by a RESTful workspace server (with OpenShift or Kubernetes as underlying infrastructure), plug-ins for languages, frameworks and tools. Eclipse Che can do some tricks which desktop IDEs will not be able to accomplish.<br />
In this session, it will be demonstrated how to easily install Eclipse Che on Kubernetes or OpenShift to provide a collaborative developer environment to your team. You will also find out that anyone, anytime can contribute to a project without installing software, spin up a workpace in one-click with all the required dependencies in a browser and that "but it works on my machine!” problem does not really exist in the containers world. How to build applications on Kubernetes / OpenShift with ease of a Cloud Native IDE – Eclipse Che Ilya Buziuk, Red Hat, голос спонсора
Russian Federation, Варшава
Практикующие инженеры hoster.by и организаторы LVEE предложат мнения, доводы и кейсы по ключевым вопросам: виртуализация, хранилища, построение сетей, обновления IT-пятница: открытая панельная дискуссия "OpenSource. Все “за” и “против” (виртуализация, хранилища, построение сетей, обновления)"  hoster.by, гостевой эвент)
Belarus, Minsk

Materials of the LVEE Winter 2018

talk speaker
Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2018 is starting up, accepted organizations will be announced soon and students will start their endeavors. The author aims to help them explaining typical student application mistakes and workflow issues, as well as discuss mentoring problems. GSoC from mentor’s point of view Andrew Savchenko
Russian Federation, Moscow
Quite often there is a situation where the user needs to translate information from the graphical representation to the text. This includes both scanning documents and simply recognizing textual information from photos. In the course of the report you will get acquainted with the open means for text recognition, image processing and received textion mistakes and workflow issues, as well as discuss mentoring problems. OCR с помощью OpenSource средств Александр Зайцев
Минск, Belarus
To share my experience using single board computers as home servers Evolution from 1 rpi mediaserver to multiple servers with own functions Adding VPN to access from anywhere and phone Solving power supply issues Software involved: - openelec/xbmc - node-red (smart home) - transmission - telegram bot - tinc VPN -- Hardware - EspEasy firmware for esp8266 - arduino - esp8266 - xiaomi gateway, sensors, other devices - mikrotik router, Unifi AP - different sensors Как уместить умный дом, медиасервер, NAS на одной доске Alexander Sorokin
Минск, Belarus
.NET Core platform is a cross-platform analogue of .NET Framework on a base class library (BCL) level. It implements the .NET Standard 2.0 specification. This report is a review of development tools, development environment options and methods of creating graphical interfaces that are aimed at creating cross-platform user applications. Платформа .NET Core 2.0 в Linux: миграция, разработка, графический интерфейс Виталий Липатов
Russian Federation, St. Petersburg
We learned to install our OS onto Elbrus systems in an almost user-friendly manner, not only to just boot it, over this year. Quite a feat given that ALT is the third known operating system to run on e2k! Альт на Эльбрусе: путь к дистрибутиву Михаил Шигорин
Russian Federation, Москва
Moscow State University CMC department basic course «Computer Architecture and Assembly Language» has two official implementations: one pretty outdated (16bit based) and one too complex (x86_64 based). In pursuit of simplicity, actuality and practical support we have developed, approved and used a course based on MIPS32 architecture using MARS simulator as practice platform, along with semi-authomatic homework verification. Although successful, this approach opened a list of technological challenges, like to implement some modern features in simulator or develop an illustrative tool showing that features at real hardware Инструментальная поддержка преподавания дисциплины «Архитектура ЭВМ и язык ассемблера» на ВМК МГУ George Kouryachy
Russian Federation, Moscow
Sustainability of Open Source projects is a theme after Heartbleed attack Anatoli Babenia
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, Minsk
nbase – NetBSD userlevel portable to other UNIX-like systems Aleksey Cheusov
Belarus, Minsk
Apertis is a Debian-derived platform for infotainment in automotive vehicles. Being a Debian derivative, Apertis doesn’t use typical Debian infrastructure software, so a infrastructure to build it had to be created using Jenkins, Open Build Service and other tools to provide continuous integration and package and image builds. Having managed the build infrastructure of Apertis for some time, I’m going to share my experience about the challenges of working on it, and how we solve issues we are confronted with. Managing build infrastructure of a Debian derivative Andrej Shadura
Slovakia, Bratislava
Debos is a tool to make creation of various debian based os "images" simpler. While most other tools focus on specific use-case, debos is more meant as a toolchain to make comon actions trivial while providing enough rope to do whatever tweaking that might be required behind the scene. Debos — еще одна утилита для создания ОС Denis Pynkin
Minsk, Belarus
Reproducible builds are important for various reasons, security among them. This talk explains what is done to check whether package build is reproducible in ALT Linux Team Build Infrastructure. Воспроизводимая сборка пакетов в сборочной инфраструктуре ALT Linux Владимир Селезнев
Russian Federation, Москва
This article describes the available methods for image processing using a complex biometric iris recognition system, OpenCV open source computer vision and machine learning software library and the Qt cross-platform. The author proposes the solution of using of a smartphone camera instead of an expensive monochrome camera. This article contains short description of Iris recognition system and biometric authentication based on this algorithm. Сколько стоит надежность? биометрическая идентификация iris с применением OpenCV и смартфона Irina Kharkevich
Gomel, Belarus
We provide brief overview and comparison of three open-source speech-recognition systems: CMUSphinx, Kaldi, DeepSpeech. Системы распознавания речи с открытым исходным кодом Даниил Бойко
Minsk, Belarus