Міжнародна конференція розробників
і користувачів вільного програмного забезпечення

12th FOSS developers conference

27 серпня 2015, 11:43

The Conference will be held on October, 16-18, 2015 in Kaluga.

Everybody are invited to take part in 8-th free / open source software developers conference on October, 16–18, 2015 in Kaluga. The conference is organized by ALT Linux based on the Kaluga IT cluster.

The conference, in which the leading Russian and foreign developers will take part, is aimed to set personal contacts between specialists, to discuss perspectives of the free / open source software progress, to initiate new projects.

Book abstracts is planned to be published before the conference.

Proposed topics for the presentations are:

  • Projects of free / open source software development.
  • Scientific projects in different knowledge domains, which include development of products under free license.
  • Cultural, philosophic and legal areas of free licensing.
  • Free / open source software for state government bodies.

Conference speakers, teachers and lecturers, participants of free software projects and free content are free from the organization fee.

Detailed information about the conference, including abstracts guidelines, important dates, contact addresses, information on delivery and much more – at the conference web page.

Автор: Галина Балашкова

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