Международная конференция разработчиков
и пользователей свободного программного обеспечения

Materials of LVEE 2016 and LVEE Winter 2016

Book of abstracts

LVEE 2016

12th International conference of developers and users of free / open source software “Linux Vacation / Eastern Europe” (Grodno, August 25-28, 2016):

abstracts author status
Core ideas, features, engineering ideas, pros and cons of Mozilla's Rust programming language. Введение в ЯП Rust. Ключевые принципы и инженерные идеи Vitaly Shukela
Мінск, Belarus
Shared experience of building an open source bartop arcade cabinet from the ground up. Как я собирал аркадный автомат Alexandr Sorokin
Мінск, Belarus
An introduction to open source automation-friendly framework for Continuous Testing codename: Taurus Taras Svirinovski
Мінск, Belarus
This article shows how you can implement basic stdlib's functions. You can see here: string functions, formatted output, usage of *Nix kernel functions etc. Написание своей StdLibC Дмитрий Храбров
Homel, Belarus
News about data breaches, hacking, discovered vulnerabilities are now typical. Common solutions deal with external threats along with international standards and best practices, not taking into account non-commercial threats of information leaks. Параноидальный офис – оборотная сторона безопасности Дмитрий Степанов
Мінск, Belarus
Доклад на тему LXD Denis Pynkin
Мінск, Belarus
The Enterprise Storage OS (ESOS) is open-source software to build the Data Storages System within the SAN model. The ESOS is a compact Linux distribution and it is distributed under a GPL license. In my presentation the main components of the ESOS are considered including a loading method and the Data Storages System architecture. Enterprise Storage OS Александр Клыга
Мінск, Belarus
The new criteria of development of the distributed object data storage Ceph in addition to description of its basic components and their interaction with the Linux kernel will be presented. An interface between Ceph and ESOS in Data Storages System will be discussed as well. Основные тенденции развития объектного хранилища данных Ceph Александр Клыга
Мінск, Belarus
With the development of infrastructure and the addition of services (third party products) to keep track of the current state of systems and services becomes a chur difficult or rather impossible. And the most correct way out commissioning of the monitoring system. Система мониторинга ZaBBix Тимофей Пирожник
Мінск, Belarus
Migrate virtual infrastructure to open source XenServer. Real, complete project. Миграция виртуальной инфраструктуры на свободное ПО XenServer Антон Новиков
Мінск, Belarus
This report aims to give understanding of what OpenStack is, moreover to guide on how to start to use and contribute to the OpenStack. I will describe OpenStack in the context of distributed computing; give short description of OpenStack services Nova, Neutron, Cinder, Swift, Glance, Horisont, Keystone; give short description of devstack, packstack, suseCloud, ubuntu juju. On the example of the devstack, I will give a short description of how you can deploy your own OpenStack cloud. First steps into OpenStack Andrei Perapiolkin
Мінск, Belarus
Xterm and screen are both well known software, but they are more powerful than they look like at a first glance. This talk reveals some of their not so widely used features which may increase productivity, improve user experience or are just fun. Some problems and their solutions are also discussed. Hidden powers of screen and xterm: multiple windows inside of a terminal Andrew Savchenko
Moscow, Russian Federation
Brief review of main types and uses of software for chemical structures visualization is presented in this abstract. Current situation with free chemical visualization software as well as some actual tasks and problems in chemical structure analysis are discussed. Разглядывая атомы. Программное обеспечение для визуализации химического строения вещества Антон Літвіненка
Kyiv, Ukraine
BaseALT p8 Platform has been released Summer 2016 following the three-years-old ALT Linux p7 Platform; let's look into the news of the release and the corresponding distributions with spins including starterkits, ALT Workstation, and Education. Восьмая платформа BaseALT Michael Shigorin
Moscow, Russian Federation
strace is a diagnostic, debugging and instructional userspace utility for monitoring interactions between processes and the Linux kernel, which include system calls, signal deliveries, and changes of process state. This paper gives an overview of strace development, lists the most noteworthy changes made in recent releases and the new features currently being worked on. strace Dmitry Levin
Moscow, Russian Federation
An original block symmetric cryptography algorithm DersCrypt is presented. Specifics of implementation is discussed, as far as reference and production implementations. Криптографический алгоритм DersCrypt Sergey Derevyago
Мінск, Belarus
Pastilda - simple and cheap opensource device that allows a hardware safekeeping and entering usernames/passwords on all types of devices Пастильда – открытый аппаратный менеджер паролей Иван Ларионов
Санкт-Петербург, Russian Federation
This report describes the Generalized Search Tree (GiST), an index structure, which allows new data types to be indexed in a manner supporting queries natural to the types. Обобщенные деревья поиска Yury Andreev
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Complexity of graphical user interfaces of mobile applications is growing rapidly. Much memory is needed to keep buffers for textures and graphical data. Modern mobile GPUs do not have built-in memory and use general memory to keep graphic buffers. A part of RAM is occupied by GPU and cannot be used by an operating system. According to this research most of such buffers are well compressible: 6-9 times. We propose a technology for transparent compression of graphic buffers in Linux kernel. Технология прозрачного сжатия графической памяти GPU Сергей Рогачев
Moscow, Russian Federation
LinkedUniversities.org is one of important projects in the field of Linked Open Data in European universities. ITMO University joined linked open data in universities initiative in 2014. ISST Labs is an organization responsible for developing LOD-IFMO project. I am going to give a talk on project progress and outcomes. Связанные открытые данные в университете Ирина Радченко
Санкт-Петербург, Russian Federation
Recent changes in Russian federal law require organizations to submit tax information in electronic form. Federal Tax Service of Russia revises this information and sends automatically generated claims. “Kontur.NDS+” project helps businesses to perform this revising in the cloud before tax documents are submitted to the Federal Tax Service. “Kontur.NDS+” is built on Hadoop stack (which is quite common), sharded and replicated Solr (which is quite common too, but required some tuning) and Perl (which is not common at all). The project evolved the last 1.5 years and this evolution is a subject of current presentation. Using Hadoop stack to build a cloud VAT declarations revising service Alex Chistyakov
Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
This thesis contains some background ideas for my workshop. Workshop will demonstrates one of the ways of video processing some content from presentations, lectures and so one using Kdenlive, the open-source multitrack video editor. Досвед апрацоўкі відэа з дакладаў ці лекцый з дапамогай kdenlive Андрэй Захарэвіч
Мінск, Belarus

LVEE Winter 2016

Winter session of 12th International conference of developers and users of free / open source software “Linux Vacation / Eastern Europe” (Minsk, February 12-16, 2016):

abstracts author view download
THIS IS A TRUE STORY. At the request of the survivors, the names have been changed. Out of respect for the dead, the rest has been told exactly as it occurred. This is a story of attempt to get some open source and provider independent solutions for some task we usually allow to perform companies and corporations like Dropbox Inc or Google Inc. Свой уласны Dropbox, з календаром, кантактамі і RSS Андрэй Захарэвіч
Мінск, Belarus
The survey of possible data storage solutions based on Open Source programs is presented. We focus on the ZFS file system and available solutions for data storage within the direct-attached storage model. In addition, solutions to form data storage by using network-attached storage and storage area networks are outlined. Eventually, a review of cluster data storage on the basis of the storage object files system is considered. Обзор решений на рынке открытого ПО для создания СХД Александр Клыга
Минск, Belarus
The talk describes several types of SSL certificates, CA with issuing certificates for free, ACME protocol and Let's Encrypt as Certificate Authority. Как перестать страдать* и начать использовать Let’s Encrypt Aliaksandr Kharkevich
Минск, Belarus
Every software development group tests its products, yet delivered software always has defects. Test engineers strive to catch them before the product is released but they always creep in and they often reappear, even with the best manual testing processes. Automated tests is the best way to increase the effectiveness, efficiency and coverage of your software testing. This comparative review evaluates several C++ testing frameworks with focus on usage in modern embedded systems, like Android and iOS. Comparative Review of FLOSS Testing Frameworks for Embedded C++ Алексей Хлебников
Oslo, Norway
The talk would bring some light to the dark side of OpenBSD development process. You will know better: 1. about OpenBSD developers hierarchy; 2. what formal and informal rules are used in development process; 3. how OpenBSD development is sponsored nowadays; 4. what OpenBSD team building events AKA hackathons do look like; 5. how Ted Unangst became a verb; 6. and, finally, why do OpenBSD developers hate Australia. OpenBSD изнутри Vadim Zhukov
Moscow, Russia
At the time of LVEE Winter, the OpenBSD repositories will be in pre-release lock, so it's a perfect time to take a deep look at changes happened. In particular: a. pledge: simple tool for improving security of your own programs; b. cloud-ready OpenBSD: native OpenBSD hypervisor, Xen support, improvements in service management; c. new oldies: file, doas; d. UTF-8 support for everybody. OpenBSD 5.8 & 5.9 Vadim Zhukov
Moscow, Russia
How the use of Yocto and OpenEmbedded helps corporations migrate to free software Yocto and OpenEmbedded at Collabora Andrew Shadura
Slovakia, Bratislava
These days cryptography faces a new type of threat: quantum computing. An overview of quantum computing and how it works in the context of cryptography is presented. It is discussed when it is dangerous and when it is not for commonly used algorithms. There are well known, but not commonly used algorithms, which are resilient to the quantum computing approach and free software is available to use them in a manner similar to GnuPG. An introduction to post-quantum cryptography Andrew Savchenko
Moscow, Russia
Author shares his development experience of Arduino-based robots targeted at Roborace competitions. Specifics of the competition is explained as far as some details of the hardware platform and the contol algorythm. Создание робота для Roborace Dmitry Sklipus
Брест, Belarus
Entity–attribute–value model (EAV) is a very flexible data model used in various open source projects. This data model has many advantages and disadvantages so it is not suitable for wide application. But sometimes it is highly recommended to use EAV in design and development process. Cases are decribed, in which it is preferable to use EAV data model. EAV is completely compared with the standard relational data model and some examples of successfully integration EAV in ready-to-use open source solutions are given. Использование архитектуры EAV в opensource-проектах Виталий Сороко
Гродно, Belarus
herisvm is a collection of simple tools to evaluate classification models. TxN-fold cross-validation and hold-out are provided, as well as dataset stratified splitting into training and testing sets. Also, deviations for all supported metrics (precision, recall, accuracy and F1) are calculated for all folds and runs to determine whether classification model is stable or not. Both training and testing are run in parallel to utilize all available CPUs. Trainer and predictor are command line applications, thus herisvm does not depend on any machine learning framework or programming language herisvm – tools for evaluation of classification models (machine learning) Aleksey Cheusov
Минск, Belarus
The article describes experience of adopting free software in a secondary vocational educational institution - a college. List of profession specialties and specialized classrooms that use free software is presented. Advantages and disadvantages of using free software in the educational process are discussed. Опыт использования СПО в учебном процессе УРТК им. А.С. Попова Arseny Meshkov, Антон Уймин
Yekaterinburg, Russia
xkb (X Keyboard Extension) possibilities are not limited to keyboard layout selection and switching from predefined list. With xkb it is possible to create custom layouts with necessary symbols and modifiers, assign up to 8 symbols to a single key. It is also possible to set up non-cyclic layouts switching, re-assign keys of auxiliary keyboards (e. g. gaming mouse keyboard), change layouts on-the-fly, combine symbol entry and layout switch in one key, etc. Практическая индивидуальная настройка клавиатуры в GNU/Linux Александра Кононова
Зеленоград, Russia
Brief review of Shingled Magnetic Recording (SMR) drives and status of their support in Linux is presented including projects which are currently in development supported by Seagate and HGST companies. Что такое SMR-диски и как их готовить Yauhen Kharuzhy
Минск, Belarus
As soon as we've got a shell on Elbrus processor we wanted to port our RPM there; upon that, it was only natural to want hasher working too. The availability of a physical system didn't hurt at all. Альт на Эльбрусе Michael Shigorin
Moscow, Russia
A converter of C code is presented, which overwrites some GNU extensions, making it possible to compile gcc-oriented FOSS software with othe compilers - clang, etc. Converter is based on language-c Haskell library. Draft GNU extensions classification and tasks of the distribution porting to an alien platform are reviewed as far as stage of the project and current results of its usage. c_uglify – семантический фильтр GNU C для компиляции программ с помощью не-GCC Ivan Zakharyaschev
Moscow, Russia
The talk is about risks associated as with use of free software in the company, so with the development of the software products. Ключевые риски, связанные с использованием свободных лицензий Anzhelika Sakhipgareeva
Moscow, Russia
Облачный офис: ONLYOFFICE document server, etc. (workshop) Aliaksandr Kharkevich
Минск, Belarus